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As NSC Council, we felt it important to outline NSC’s policy regarding ministry, pre-recording services, etc. in order that you are aware of the precautions we are taking in response to COVID-19. 


NSC does not promote people gathering face to face, but is instead encouraging virtual visits through online platforms such as Zoom, Skype, etc. When we do speak about small groups connecting to pray and touch base, we mean connecting virtually.


NSC continues to modify office hours in order to comply with government regulations.  As much as possible, NSC staff are working from their homes.


When present at the church, staff is careful to practice social distancing;  we work in our own offices which are separated from each other. We are also adhering to The Government of Manitoba’s Public Health Orders (see when services are being pre-recorded; no more than 10 people are in the church at one time, and as an extra precaution, recordings are done in segments to further reduce the number of people in the sanctuary at any one time.


NSC’s outside doors are locked at all times, so washroom facilities and the building in general are off limits to the public for the duration of the recommended social distancing measures.


NSC’s other ministries, such as Harvest, Barnabas House, and visitations, for example, are also being carried out under, and comply with, government and Winnipeg Harvest regulations.


NSC’s regular cleaning includes having door handles, bathrooms, etc. wiped down and disinfected.


It is our goal as a church to both respect and uphold the guidelines laid out by the provincial and federal government with respect to reducing the spread of COVID-19 to our congregation and those we minister to in the community.

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